Derp Dream Wand!!! - Fully Custom Tape job

Derp Dream Wand!!! - Fully Custom Tape job
“Derp Dream Wand” is a fully decked out custom contact wand including decals/themes/quotes/whatever your brain can come up with! I love these collaborations and we can get as weird as you want with this.
Purchase this listing to reserve your spot and then I will be in touch to chat and figure out all of the details to create the perfect wand for you. (You can see a lot of my past custom projects/work here).
***I don’t fully recreate these custom wands, but if you see one you like, we can work together to make it unique for you.
If you need help contact me to bounce ideas around, I’ve got a lot of them!
PLEASE NOTE: This item is not ready to ship and may take up to 2 weeks for me to finish and ship out.
Contact wand specs & what you get to customize:
Design: You will be able to choose from any of the end caps that I have available (please see photos), tapes (including reflective), and decals. If you’re having trouble deciding, I love brainstorming with you and also don’t mind doing mystery style surprise wands.
Weight = You can choose any weight between 8oz and 11 oz (this is really heavy!!!). A good standard wand to learn and grow with would be between 8.5-9oz.
EXAMPLE: 9oz, 9.5oz, 9.8oz, 10oz, 10.2oz...11oz
Silicone Grip = This is placed down the center of the wand. All “Dream Wands” come with clear grip so that all tapes show through.
Length = 28 Inches is my standard, but I can customize anywhere from 26-32” OR a 20” mini. Contact me for something out of this range.
String/tether setup: Choose between a finger loop/swivel, a Lanternsmith X Derpgear Pomgrip setup (recommended for Contact Style), OR long string (which will NOT come with a swivel or finger loop).
Width = Same size as Derpgear daywands at 5/8th inches.
Thick technora braided string.
Each wand is personally tested for balance.
REFLECTIVE Tape example: Reflective tapes create the illusion of a “light up” wand on video when you film using flash.
(Video example of a random reflective wand - this does not show the reflective colors of this specific wand).
You can purchase extra string and fingerloops/pomgrip setups HERE.
These are handmade with nothing but loving vibes, good intentions, and smiles.
Contact me HERE with any questions at all (I respond quickly!) You can also message me on Instagram @Derpgear or on Facebook @