Googly Eye Contact Wand (you choose tapes)

Googly Eye Contact Wand (you choose tapes)
EYE SEE YOU!!!! I am taking one custom order for a googly eye contact wand and they’re 100% awesomely balanced. YES, they google.
336 googly eyes all hand layed by me and sealed/secured on either end. Clear grip tape down the center over the spiraled 2-3 tapes of your choosing. You choose string setup!
More info/details about products:
Contact Wands
About 28 inches long, 8.5oz + heavy, and 5/8th inch wide.
Clear Grip.
You choose between: A finger loop/swivel. A Lanternsmith X Derpgear Pomgrip setup (recommended for Contact Style) or choose long string (which will NOT come with a swivel or finger loop).
Each wand is personally tested for balance.
These are handmade with nothing but loving vibes, good intentions, and smiles.
Contact me HERE with any questions at all (I respond quickly!) You can also message me on Instagram @Derpgear or on Facebook @